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Paw Paw

Carica Papaya
Varieties to choose from
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Red Army

Native to southern Miexico and Central America. It was spread across the world by natives and the Spanish. If the climate is right the plants will grow rapidly and perform well.

Landscape Value

A beautiful tropical plant adding exoticness to your garden bed with the large deeply lobed evergreen leaves. Waxy white flowers all year round in warmer climates but only in late spring early summer in cooler regions.

Nutritional Value

Paw Paw's are high in vitamin C and has good levels of vitamin A, iron, copper, potassium and fibre.

How to Eat

Can be eaten green as a vegatable but must be cooked to remove the latex content. Can also be used to tenderise meat. Fully ripe fruit can be eaten fresh or added to savoury or sweet dishes - definitly bringing a touch of the tropics to your dish. The black seeds are edible and have a watercress-like spicy flavour.



Not tolerate of salty maritine conditions


Well drained with plenty of organic matter. Acidic loamy soil.


Fertilise with a general fertiliser every 2-3 months.


None required


Tamarillos are susceptible to aphids and whitefly. Check your local garden centre for natural and chemical sprays. Root rot can be an issue if the tap root is damaged when planting. Can be affected by mildew, thrips, white fly, mites and viruses. Wet cold condiitions will greatly increase the risk. Protect from rats, possums and fruit bats with a hesian bag over fruit and/or a shiny material around the trunk to prevent climbing pests.


Not hardy.

Special Conditions

Can be grown in a container especially where the climate may be marginal and the container can be moved to make sure it is always in ideal position.


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